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Is updating your clients’ programs each week eating away too much of your time? 
  • Time spent trying to come up with unique warm-ups and cooldowns each training week?
  • Time spent filming movement videos every morning?
  • Time spent searching for your client’s long-term plan (macrocycle) in your Google drive, and you can never seem to find when you want it?
  • Time spent searching for the notes you took that has a list of the equipment your client has at home?
…Not to mention time spent racking your brain, agonizing over whether your training plan for the week is balanced and adheres to the priorities you set out for your client in their short-term plan (mesocycle).

Imagine for a moment it didn’t have to be this complicated. 
  • Imagine software that allowed you to search for an appropriate warm-up as you’re designing the training week? 
  • Software that houses more than 1,800 movement videos, saving you the hassle from filming each week? 
  • And finally, software that allows you to easily double check your clients’ short-term and long-term plans, as well as their priorities, schedule and equipment they have access to, with the simple click of a mouse?
You don’t have to imagine it anymore, because it can be at your fingertips today.

Welcome to the CoachRx Program Design Calendar.


When you add a new client to CoachRx, it creates a calendar for them, which allows you to access different views: A single day, a week, a month, or the full year (and any time frame in between).

The calendar then is where you build your clients’ programs each week, and it’s designed to help the coach save a ton of time, as everything you need is right at your fingertips. 


Designing a program in the Calendar couldn’t be easier, let alone more intuitive. 
To design a day of training, simply select the week view and click on Monday. From there, click on the dumbbell icon which brings up a box that lets you: 
  • Give the workout a title
  • Search for or create a new warm-up, and cooldown if need be (Each warm-ups is given a title—for example, “High-rep pushing warm-up”—making them easy to find when you need them
  • Input the training program of the day (what makes this especially easy is that you can add a new movement, or search for already existing movements in your movement library right in the calendar, and then in pops the movement and associated video)
  • Add any relevant coaches notes to provide your client context for the session
  • Add additional videos (either that you uploaded using the LOOM integration or from the video library as described above)

Further, if you also want to add a lifestyle prescription, simply click the broccoli icon to add any lifestyle prescriptions should there be any nutrition, sleep, meditation etc recommendations for the day. 
See this content in the original post


Five time-saving tools to take advantage of on the calendar include:

1. Different Views at Your Fingertips

Gone are the days where you had to search through the tabs on your Google sheets to find your clients long-term plan or your nutrition notes.
With the CoachRx calendar, you can simply change the view from daily to weekly to monthly with a simple click. The same is true for nutrition. With just one click, you can shift from the exercise to the nutrition view and add your comments and prescriptions.

2. Sidebar Features

Not only can you then design your program for the day, week or month right in the calendar, but the sidebar on the left side of the calendar also houses a ton of information about that client that you can quickly access when you’re designing your programs, saving you a ton of time (not to mention it also makes it a lot easier to track client progress).

These include:
  • Messages
  • Assessment information
  • FME monitoring information
  • Consultations (including notes from your lifestyle consultations)
  • Goals
  • Planning & Periodization
  • Lifestyle Plans
  • Notes/Documents
  • Reminders
  • Training Schedule
  • Priorities
  • Equipment (that the client has access to)
  • Client Profile

Putting this into practice:

  • Let’s say you’re giving your client a bike workout of three minutes on, one minute off and you want to prescribe a specific pace. You can simply click on their assessment info to see what the average wattage they held during their 10-minute bike test was to help you figure out what to prescribe pace-wise that day. 
  • Or let’s say you can’t remember what day your client said they had the most time for meal prep when you’re prescribing a nutrition prescription. You can quickly click on the notes from your consultations on the sidebar to jog your memory.
  • Similarly, if you want to quickly double check to see if you gave your client enough squat, pulling, pushing and hinging exposure that week as per your priorities that cycle, you can quickly cross reference this by clicking on priorities on the sidebar. 
  • Or, what if you can’t remember if your client has a medicine ball or not. A quick check of their equipment list solves the problem in just a hot second. 

3. Shortcut Keys

Finally, although it seems like a small thing, whenever you have to take your hands off the keyboard and onto your mouse for any action you do it adds time to programming. 

This is where shortcut keys come in.

There are a lot of them on both the calendar and the sidebar, allowing you to reduce clicks and be faster and more efficient when designing your program.
See this content in the original post


In short, the Program Design Calendar’s features means you’ll be able to be, not just faster and more efficient, but also more effective in your prescriptions.
Further, because CoachRx also saves 7-day, 30-day and 90-day trends for each client, it allows you to easily make adjustments as you’re programming a new week or a new mesocycle. 
For example, you can look at a client’s compliance rate to determine if, perhaps you’re overprescribing, or if they need more touchpoints, or perhaps a reassessment of their schedule and priorities, which you can update in the calendar.
In fact, any metric raises any alarm bells, you can simply reach out to the client via a direct message right in the calendar to check-in and possibly schedule a consultation to talk about whatever it is that might need adjusting. 


CoachRx was not only designed to help you be able to program individualized exercise and lifestyle plans effectively, it was designed to help you do it more efficiently.

And if you have ever worked with an individual design client and relied on Google docs and Google sheets, or possibly three different apps to get the job done, you probably appreciate the idea of being able to do it all, and do it all with ease and speed, in one single place. 

That’s where the Program Design Calendar comes in, a place that makes program design less time-consuming and more efficient, as well as more effective, so you can deliver better programs and your clients see better results.